What's the difference?

John Stott states "Christians believe that true worship is the highest and noblest activity of which man, by the grace of God, is capable.

Worship translated into English simply means, "worth-ship." In other words we worship that which is worthy. So we give to God the praise, the glory and the honour because he alone is worthy.

The most popular Hebrew word for worship is shachah. This means to bow down, to do homage or even to prostrate oneself. It was a physical way of showing submission, adoration and service. The action implies bowing to the knee and putting the forehead on the ground or being prostrate.

The Greek word proskuneo, implies reverence and obeisance John 4:21-24 and Matthew 18:26. It literally means to "kiss toward". These verses highlight in ones mind the kissing of the hand, which implies affection, adoration and respect. So worship is about an attitude of respect and reverence and wonder, but it is also public in its actions: bowing, praising and serving.

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